Celeste has to be supported. She has to be lifted up so that she does not become a victim of her circumstances. The Millers are doing everything in their power to do this, but as I’m sure that you can imagine, it can’t be done alone. At this point, the advocacy that The Millers are doing on their own is not enough. Celeste’s story has to be amplified so that the individuals in power are held to task.
Direct Advocacy
As you are reading this website, you have the chance to play your part. You can call a friend and tell them about this situation. You can write an email or send a letter. The below is the advocacy information that is posted in our group “Justice for Celeste” on Facebook:

The Hampton School Board (in order, Cherry, Mason, Jackson Afonja, Banks-Grey, Kilgore, Samuels, Woodhouse and Smith — ALL COWARDS, MOST HYPOCRITES
School Board
Dr. Richard Mason - Chair: (rmason@hampton.k12.va.us)
Superintendent of SchoolsDr. Richard Mason - Chair: (rmason@hampton.k12.va.us)
Dr. Jeffrey Smith: josmith@hampton.k12.va.us
*EXTRA CREDIT: School Board Attorneys
Nanci Reaves – nreaves@hampton.k12.va.us
Richard H. Matthews - rmatthew@pendercoward.com
Nanci Reaves – nreaves@hampton.k12.va.us
Richard H. Matthews - rmatthew@pendercoward.com
Local Government
Donnie Tuck – Mayor: dtuck@hampton.gov
Jimmy Gray – Vice Mayor: jgray@hampton.gov
Donnie Tuck – Mayor: dtuck@hampton.gov
Jimmy Gray – Vice Mayor: jgray@hampton.gov
Hampton City Council
Billy Hobbs: bhobbs@hampton.gov
Elanor Weston Brown: eleanor.brown@hampton.gov
Steven Brown: steven.brown@hampton.gov
Chris Bowman: chris.bowman@hampton.gov
Anton Bell - Commonwealth Attorney (UP FOR REELECTION NOW): (757) 727-6442
Pamela Jones - Deputy Commonwealth Attorney (the person who decided not to prosecute Celeste's rapist) (757) 727-6442
Billy Hobbs: bhobbs@hampton.gov
Elanor Weston Brown: eleanor.brown@hampton.gov
Steven Brown: steven.brown@hampton.gov
Chris Bowman: chris.bowman@hampton.gov
Anton Bell - Commonwealth Attorney (UP FOR REELECTION NOW): (757) 727-6442
Pamela Jones - Deputy Commonwealth Attorney (the person who decided not to prosecute Celeste's rapist) (757) 727-6442
State Government
Ralph Northam – Governor: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/constituent-services/communicating-with-the-governors-office/
Justin Fairfax – Lieutenant Governor: ltgov@ltgov.virginia.gov
Mark Herring- Attorney General: https://www.oag.state.va.us/ContactUsForm/ContactForm.aspx
Mamie Locke – State Senator: district02@senate.virginia.gov
Martha Mugler: State Delegate: DelMMugler@house.virginia.gov
Ralph Northam – Governor: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/constituent-services/communicating-with-the-governors-office/
Justin Fairfax – Lieutenant Governor: ltgov@ltgov.virginia.gov
Mark Herring- Attorney General: https://www.oag.state.va.us/ContactUsForm/ContactForm.aspx
Mamie Locke – State Senator: district02@senate.virginia.gov
Martha Mugler: State Delegate: DelMMugler@house.virginia.gov
TEMPLATE FOR EMAIL: Feel free to use this to craft your emails
Dear (insert recipient name):
I believe in the safety of children. I believe that children should be safe when they go to school. It is unacceptable that Celeste Miller was repeatedly sexually assaulted while under the care of Hampton City Schools. The school system owes her the ability to learn in an environment where there are no barriers to her success. Hampton City School failed her and her family and HCS owes her the ability to learn in an environment where her family has confidence that she will be safe and able to thrive. Hampton City Schools is not that place and denying that you have any culpability is obscene and disheartening.
(Insert whatever you’d like to insert here)
Make this right by her family – work with the Millers to make Celeste whole.
(Insert Your Name)
Change.org Petition
There is also a Change.org petition that you can find here: Give Celeste Miller The Support She Deserves for Being Repeatedly Raped on HCS's Watch
Financial Help
As I'm sure that you all know, taking on the expense of private education is a large one. Hampton City Schools SHOULD be financing this, but while we are in the middle of litigation, this is an expense that we have to take on our own. The sacrifice has been great, but Celeste has made great strides in the short time that she has been out of Hampton City Schools. The glow has returned to her face and the joy that was missing is now seen with great abundance. She's fit in well at her new school and has made quick friends. She is in a place where she doesn't have to look over her shoulder and for once she's not afraid to go to the bathroom. Her grades, while always good, have gone up as well. The decision to move her into private education was ABSOLUTELY the right one, but again, with having three kids and the trips twice a day to Norfolk for Hampton, it's a heavy tool to carry. If you feel so inclined, please donate to our GoFundMe that can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/8forCeleste. If you would like to help but would like to use an alternative to GoFundMe, please reach out to 8forCeleste@gmail.com. All funds collected will go towards Celeste's education and healing.